Tithing is an ancient practice that is viewed in many ways by many Christians. This book interviews many Christians and their views on tithing. Whether they tithe their money, assets, or time. Many of the people interviewed describe how they find God's grace through this process, and how they believe in giving as much as possible.
I found this book very challenging. I have always known about giving the ten percent but to read about people who give much more than just ten percent and still have no worries astounds me. People giving their financial problems over to God and then giving more and more, while still being blessed is very hard to understand. This book was very insightful and really made me think about were my own money goes, and how I can give more. If you are looking for an in depth challenge or a clearer view on what tithing is, this book has great examples. You will find yourself asking what more can I do, or can I learn to live with the basics instead of name brands?
BookSneeze has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book.